When A Political Science Major Interns At An AI &Recruitment Firm

Shivani Ekkanath
3 min readMay 7, 2021

As a political science third-year undergraduate and international student studying at UC Berkeley, I am often confronted with the overwhelming sense of being a small fish in a big pond. Productivity and hustle culture among American universities continue to test both my idealism, confidence, and sense of self. From being heard in seminar discussions, interviewing, and navigating social interactions, the strive and arduous struggle to be taken seriously, respected, and prove my worth is a constant in my life.

As a woman of color living in a world that continues to evolve and unravel, I am constantly thinking about my self-worth, value, and what I bring to the table. Not only do I find myself questioning my decisions and choices now as a rising senior, but I am also working on honing my skills and talents for practical use in the future.

My internship with HireBee made me feel heard. I believe this was probably one of my most important takeaways. It has also given me great insight into the world of start-ups and corporate culture. As an aspiring journalist, this opportunity was of great significance to me as I was able to develop my writing further and expand my portfolio. From writing about political and social issues, my work at HireBee enabled me to test my writing skills in different waters. I was able to build on some of my existing skills and professional experiences in the start-up world. As a content and marketing intern working for the growth hacking team, I was given the opportunity to understand the recruitment and hiring world. I was able to understand the different functionalities of the HireBee platform, work on features and articles, interview recruitment experts, founders, and professionals as well as gain a more holistic understanding of the fast-paced nature of the start-up world. I got the opportunity to write about the HireBee vision as well as write research articles on topics like diversity and inclusion, gender equality, HR automation, and start-up culture.

The HireBee team is a committed and supportive group of people who are always working to ensure that interns are able to reach their full potential. I was entrusted with a lot of responsibility and I am grateful that I was able to take on the many challenges that were given to me. I appreciated the fact that I was able to work independently as well as collaboratively with my team.

I believe my position at HireBee is helping me grow not only as a writer but also as a soon-to-be working professional in a global and fast-paced environment. I learned to put some of the skills that I have honed during the course of my undergraduate career in the study of political science to great use. My writing, critical thinking skills, and research continue to prove to be invaluable through my internships and professional experiences.

At a time when the power of the written word can be used to create, inspire, and innovate, I believe I am gaining further confidence in my own abilities and knowledge as a writer. I believe that working with HireBee will continue to benefit me professionally and personally. As a woman, I often tend to doubt my own abilities in the professional world and have a lot of internalized imposter syndrome. Yet, the more experience I gain and people I meet, grow more confident to overcome some of life’s many tribulations. I hope to continue to use this as a learning opportunity and pedestal to explore more possibilities that shall challenge and continue to test me.

Shivani Ekkanath is a political science major enrolled in the Dual BA program between Sciences Po Paris and UC Berkeley. She is currently a rising senior hoping to pursue journalism, marketing, and communications. Her research interests lie in gender equality, race, intersectionality, and comparative politics.



Shivani Ekkanath

Shivani is an aspiring journalist and rising senior studying politics and global studies at UC Berkeley. Twitter: @SEkkanath, Instagram: @shivani.ek